Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hanukkah Miracle

Way back last July when I was just moving in, one of the apartment helpers came to install the gasoline canister in a compartment under my stove. I think almost all gas for cooking comes in canisters here, and that's what allows for the pushcarts on the streets that make all manner of fried delights. Here's the miracle part: for nine months now, that same canister of gas has been fueling my stove and oven. It has baked pies and cookies, roasted a Thanksgiving turkey, heated gallons of water for tea and coffee, fried stir-fry, steamed rice, popped popcorn, boiled beans, and simmered soups. Every time I put peanuts in the oven to roast (home-roasted peanuts are my new favorite school snack) or scramble an egg or make curry, there's a part of me that wonders how much longer that canister can last. But mostly I enjoy having my own little kitchen marvel. Here's to another nine months!

1 comment:

Seth said...

Are you SURE no one has secretly changed it while you were gone?