Sunday, June 7, 2009

She's here!

For the first time in months, I have a sister with me! When I asked her what I should write about her here, she said, "Say that I light up your life even when my light is dimmed from jetlag." That's my sister for you--charming and witty even when she's struggling to keep her eyes open at nine o'clock. I've already dragged her across Jakarta several times in two days, to church, shopping, for good food, and she has been characteristically patient and good-humored. "Time for Benadryl and bed," says Erica. She does light up my life.


Ran said...


Anonymous said...

What a global family! Glad to hear you two are having a good time together. Looking forward to seeing you both later this summer, "back home again in Indiana". - Aunt Debra

Sarahhh said...

and this lit up my night :) so glad you get to share the journey!