Monday, November 23, 2009

Recent Pleasantness

I had one of the nicest weekends in recent memory.

Friday, I went with Carol and Disha (expat colleague/friends) into the city for dinner at a cute little bar/lounge that Carol and I found a while ago. Delicious food, excellent company, and even some good people watching.

Saturday, we were required to go to a 30th anniversary celebration for the foundation that supports my school. I was expecting it to ruin my afternoon, so I gave myself an extra nice morning to put me in a good mood. I got coffee and donuts. I talked to my dad and my roommate. I bought myself a new book. I called my sister on the way there. I was a very happy camper who was then pleasantly surprised that the anniversary celebration actually featured some lovely student performances. Who wouldn't be charmed by kindergarten dancers in Indonesian dress dancing to "Jesus Loves Me" played on traditional Balinese instruments?

After the celebration, I headed down to Saturday night church with Carol and Disha. We got there half an hour late, so we decided that a hot coffee would do nicely. It was the rare rainy day in Jakarta when warm drinks actually sound cozy.

We stuck around because there was game night after church. It was a glorious racket of kids and food and charades and four-on-a-couch and all manner of good things.

Sunday, I went to Sunday morning church, heard an excellent sermon, went out to lunch at the yummy Italian place by church (delicious minestrone soup). Then I read some of my new book, took a divine nap, and did some blogging.

Sunday evening, I joined some Saturday night church friends for Christmas movie night. Since we don't have cold weather or crass commercialism to get us in the Christmas spirit, we have to do it ourselves. We watched Elf.

The end.