Saturday, July 19, 2008


The word of the week, maybe the word of the year, is patience. I'm finding that I often have to set aside my American expectations for smooth, efficient speed and accept that things don't always work that way here. The traffic is a perfect example. On the way back from grocery shopping this week, my taxi driver got lost. (I was very proud of the fact that I knew where I was going when he didn't.) With a traffic jam, it took probably four times the normal time to get home. If only patience weren't so difficult to learn.

Other notable items of the week:

I found a lizard in my apartment one morning this week. I tried unsuccessfully to catch him and photograph him, but he was very speedy and very good at hiding behind my couch. My co-workers have assured me that this is fairly normal. I have to admire any lizard willing to climb three flights of stairs up to my apartment.

Stairs are kind of the story of my life right now. My apartment is on the fourth floor, and I teach mostly on the fifth floor at IPEKA. I'm pretty sure that my legs are going to be in the best shape of my life by Christmas.

In other fitness news, I attended my first ever yoga class this morning at the gym by my apartment where I have a membership. I didn't understand anything the instructor said, but by the end, I had learned a little yoga, and I think I had worked out the Bahasa words for "inhale" and "exhale."

Even when I'm feeling impatient, I can't ignore the wonderful kindness shown to me from all directions: my co-workers at IPEKA and my friends, family, and church families. I gave some devotional thoughts at a teacher fellowship meeting this week, and it was a great opportunity to reflect on how God has been good to me here. I am very grateful. Blessings on all of you.

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