Friday, August 29, 2008

Lessons learned this morning

1. If I don't get my 8 hours of rest, I am at risk of oversleeping.
2. Oversleeping becomes much more likely when I hit "off" and not "snooze."
3. Waking up at 6:05 (five minutes before the shuttle leaves) is enough to induce heart pounding panic.
4. Wearing a uniform really reduces that paralyzing "what will I wear?" feeling when there are thirty seconds to get dressed.
5. Morning non-essentials include face-washing, teeth-brushing, breakfast, jewelry, make-up (though I did manage a couple sweeps of mascara), and a packed lunch.
6. I can go from bed to door in about three minutes if I really need to.
7. I'm not doing that again.

1 comment:

Ran said...

See having a roommate who is a very light sleeper is good for something--they notice when you don't get up in time.