Sunday, August 17, 2008

The much promised and long delayed first photos

Finally, Internet installed at my apartment and a brief respite from my computer woes let me give you a visual taste of my life in Jakarta.

Two views from my balcony. This was a not-so-smoggy day where there was actual sunshine instead of cloudy glare. When I'm standing on my balcony and I turn around, I see...

My kitchen is at the back to the left. My utility room is straight back through the door you can see, and my bedroom and bathroom are to the left.

My bedroom with its ginormous bed and ugly art. Sorry, no pictures of my pink bathroom and its sickly yellow toilet seat. You'll just have to come visit.

My kitchen. One of its little oddities is that each of my four burners is a different size. Don't ask me why.

Three basic vehicles on the road. Cars, vendors, and motorbikes. What you can't see, and don't want to see, is the open gutter-canal that runs through the median. I sometimes imagine what I would do if I fell in. The answer involves tears and a lot of disinfectant.

I walk down this street to catch an ongkos to the mall. You can see a few vendors' stalls along the right side of the road. I exchange smiles with a beautiful old woman at one of them when I pass.

I'm anticipating more good photo opportunities Tuesday when we celebrate Indonesian Independence Day and the students enjoy "traditional games" for the rest of the day. I've heard that there's chicken chasing involved, so it should be good. And finally, the best shot so far of one of my Walters.

So cute!


Anonymous said...

Love the photos, Laura. We are happy to see our faces gracing your refrigerator! Remember each day how much we love you, when you come in to see Walter! Let us know how the shoe shopping goes.

Anonymous said...

good eye. or better resolution than I have.