Sunday, September 20, 2009

Not all I'm cracked up to be...

You would think that a somewhat experienced world traveler like myself would NOT:
  • forget the map I bought especially for this trip.
  • bring razor blades but not razors.
  • panic for about 5 seconds about the multi-entry visa I need to re-enter Indonesia before remembering I took care of it more than three months ago.
  • forget the 3 Hong Kong dollars that have been sitting on my desk in Jakarta ever since I got Hong Kong change in the airport when I paid for something in U.S. dollars.
  • check two symptoms on the swine flu health form upon entering Hong Kong (I'm recovering from a cold not swine flu, and I could have told them that, but no one asked me), which earned me a face mask and an escort downstairs to have my temperature taken. It was normal.
  • assume that "all plugs in Asia are the same" and not bring my universal adapter.
  • forget sunscreen.

You would think....

But you'd be wrong.


Seth said...

Sounds like you just graduated to sophomore traveling status. =)

Ran said...

Oh roommate. At least you don't have Swine flu. Consider yourself lucky. It's no fun. I guess you'll just have to go back to use your HK money. That doesn't sound to bad to me.

This time last year I was getting already for a little trip myself. :)

I heart you.